Eric Nystedt Memorial Playground

Eric Nystedt Memorial Playground
We have chosen to dedicate our new playground in the memory of fallen O.P.P. officer, Provincial Constable Eric Nystedt. Eric was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie where he graduated from Bawating High School. During Eric's time at Bawating he excelled in athletics, particularly basketball, cross country running and track & field. After high school Eric left Sault Ste. Marie and attended Carleton University in Ottawa. Eric enjoyed his three years as a student at Carleton particularly when he went out on patrol with his brother Scott who was also an O.P.P. officer. Upon completion of his education at Carleton University Eric was hired by the O.P.P. in September 1990 and posted to the Minden Detachment. Eric loved policing in Minden and quickly became an integral part of the community working with youth, patrolling the community and promoting sport and fitness within the community and the O.P.P. Eric became a member of the O.P.P. Running Team and set a record that still has not been broken today. His commitment to his personal fitness, hard work and community were second to none. On July 3, 1993 Eric attended a dispute in Furnace Falls Ontario. While attempting to arrest a suspect Eric was stabbed. Tragically the wound was severe and Eric at the young age of 24 passed away from excessive blood loss. Eric's body was returned to his home in Sault Ste. Marie and buried at Greenwood cemetery. Inscribed on his head stone is an O.P.P. crest, a basketball, a pair of running shoes and the inscription "Loved by all who Knew him". It is through such love, dedication and commitment that inspired us to enhance the grounds for our students & community.

Remembering Eric

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The work begins!!!
Children were captivated by all the BIG equipment in operation outside their classroom windows. The areas have been prepped & we are awaiting delivery of our new equipment
which will arrive Wed. morning :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We are pleased to share that we have received the following donations
$2500 from a retired OPP Officer and
$2000 from the OPP Youth foundation

This has been a very successful year!!!

We are so excited & looking forward to the quickly approaching Build Day!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We are pleased to share with you that we are in the final stage of achieving a joint venture with the OPP Youth Foundation, which is a registered charitable organization. This is fantastic news, as it will open many funding doors for our initiative.
We are further pleased to share with you that as a result of this joint venture with the OPP Youth Foundation we applied for a grant from the Please Mum Foundation. We recently heard that our application was successful & we will be awarded $10,000.
We are thrilled to share this news with our families & community as it throws us full speed into the second phase of our project. We have been working closely with Belair Recreational Products to ensure elements are ordered & will arrive in order to meet our May 30th Build Day.

With the $10,000 we will be focusing on enhancements for the Jr./Int. side of the schoolyard.

We are pleased to share with you this image of the structure we have ordered as a beginning of the enhancement for this phase of our project.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today our students, staff & parents attended an assembly about our playground project.

We heard stories of valuable learning that takes place on quality playgrounds, memories that have lasted a life time & the revealing of our new playground.

We watched a video of a previous Let Them Be Kids Project Build, showing the numbers of volunteers that make dreams become reality by working together to achieve a common goal.

We were presented with $1000 from the Sault OPP Branch and the OPPA Board of Directors combined.

We also saw a memorial slide show of Eric, demonstrating the many wonderful characteristics that lead to our committee selecting to dedicate our playground in his honour.

Character Attributes such as dedication, determination, responsibility, volunteerism, teamwork, community involvement, self esteem and sportsmanship to name just a few...

Let Them Be Kids

Let Them Be Kids is all volunteer non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level, while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow


We envision the following outcome from the revitalization of our grounds.

•Enhanced school pride through school yard beautification.

•Attraction of new citizens to our community with a well rounded educational facility

•Creation of a fun environment where children will develop a love of healthy physical activity that will last a lifetime

•Increase opportunities for physical & natural activity for students during school hours and beyond.


Our committee is researching a number of fundraising activities within our community and will continue to do so on a ongoing basis. Our committee maintains a partnership of respect and support with our Parent Council and School Staff. We are compiling a list of private and civil sector businesses and organizations that may be in position to supplement our financial needs. Our proposals will be distributed to such organizations in order to provide a clear map of our intentions and the financial hurdles that we must overcome in order to achieve our goals in making our children's dreams become a reality.

Phase 1 & 2

Currently the grounds consist of 2 small sandboxes, baseball backstops, rusted soccer goalposts, 2 older basketball courts, 2 running long jump pits, large grass areas & some pavement with painted hopscotch games.

Our Vision is to provide our children with a Quality PlaygroundHow?

•Add age appropriate playground structures

•Refurbish the soccer posts, basketball courts and baseball diamonds

•Create a proper field where the children can play soccer

•Adding new track & field elements

•Enlarge the sandboxesWe believe that adding these features will benefit students by enhancing their day with fun, physical, social, educational and creative possibilities.

Phase 3

Outdoor Classroom Improvement Project

Currently this grounds space is not being utilized to its full potential

Our Vision is to provide our children with a year 'round outdoor pavilion How?

Our goal is to provide an outdoor classroom (pavilion and seating) on our gravel area.

This would be shared by all classes as they require. We would like to add some trees, foliage and gardens to the grounds as well as a nature trail in our large wooded area for walks and snowshoeing. Another priority is to enhance our main entrance, primarily through landscaping, to provide a safer waiting and dismissal area.

Dedication of Playground
In Memory of Eric Nystedt